Quality and World Class Production: Gürel Tekstil
Reaches the Peak in Quality
The Perfect Touch
Woven Quality: Gürel Tekstil's Services from Yarn to Fabric
Gürel Tekstil offers a wide range of services from yarn to fabric. It produces quality products with modern technology and expert staff. It obtains aesthetic, durable and useful fabrics with Picanol Optimax-i Rapier weaving looms. As a reliable brand, it focuses on customer satisfaction.
01. Cotton Yarn
02. Yarn Fabric
The journey from yarn to fabric
Duacılı Weaving Factory
The Journey from cotton to yarn
Çardak Yarn Factory
Quality and Innovative Solutions in Production
Cotton to Yarn, Yarn to Fabric
various styles
Information Request About Our Services and Services
We Collect Carefully for You without Compromising Quality
Gürel Tekstil, while cotton is being picked, first of all, mature plants are harvested with mechanical machines. The harvested cotton is then cleaned and free of foreign materials. Then, long and short fibers are separated and packed by baling. The cleaned fibers are processed into yarn by spinning machines.
The Innovative Touch of Zafer Gürel Tekstil Weaving the Yarn
Gürel Tekstil is a pioneer in yarn production. Yarns produced by carefully processing the highest quality raw materials stand out in the industry with their durability and performance. Gürel Tekstil's innovative and meticulous approach meets the demands of the textile industry by offering reliable and high quality yarns to its customers.
Leader in Innovative Fabric Production
Gürel Tekstil maintains its leading position in the sector with its innovative fabric production. With its state-of-the-art equipment and expert staff, it offers excellent fabrics to customers by carefully processing quality raw materials. Our company, which draws attention with its environmentally sensitive approach with its sustainable production principles, offers a wide range of products for various sectors. Gürel Tekstil makes a difference in the sector with quality and innovative fabric solutions by keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level.